1 min readNov 23, 2023


Sunnypilot DEV-C3 Model Switcher via SSH Non-UI

Per Sunnyhaibin

Custom Driving Model (non-UI version) is now on dev-c3! The UI selector is not available yet as I am traveling this week for Thanksgiving, but if you would like to try out the different models, you can run the following commands in SSH to try them out:
Available driving model:

Farmville (NLP) (current)
Night Strike (NLP) AKA Lemon Pie

(NEW) Blue Diamond Model


1. Create models directory
cd /data/media/0; mkdir models;

2. Download the .thneed files
cd /data/media/0/models;

2a. NLP+NS
wget -O supercombo-night-strike.thneed “https://thecorgirosie-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/databases_sunnypilot_com/EVWikQnj7cBBjiU5Yo2KsdEBZZLZ1Oa1VN0PL7L0IbUslA?e=x5SnXA&download=1";

2b. NLP+FV (Current)
wget -O supercombo-farmville.thneed “https://thecorgirosie-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/databases_sunnypilot_com/EWZI6epkYe1ApJmYmv5rcqcBpan_XV2STBREPcCba20bBA?e=KNIgh3&download=1";

2c. NLP+BD (NEW — not yet merged in upstream, added on November 23, 2023)
wget -O supercombo-blue-diamond.thneed “https://thecorgirosie-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/databases_sunnypilot_com/EZIT1Y822A1CgH1f6THspP8BuceYvUte8Tx_2tRyXwewaw?e=UlQ23c&download=1";


To enable Custom Driving Model:

1. Enable param to use Custom Driving Model
echo -n “1” > /data/params/d/CustomDrivingModel;

2. Select the desired model

2a. If NLP+NS:
echo -n “night-strike” > /data/params/d/DrivingModelText

when switched to Night Strike succesfully https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/994915271213064222/1176972949383819435/image.png?ex=6570d07a&is=655e5b7a&hm=8c977f57d5f33ff75bc3451c7d4218805f4e95fbb28bfc021bb388006e502def&

2b. If NLP+FV:
echo -n “farmville” > /data/params/d/DrivingModelText

when switched to Farmville successfully https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/994915271213064222/1176973068762091550/image.png?ex=6570d096&is=655e5b96&hm=0b3c15a56cb71672d6380c0e5f393d12828857ad02ba7b57fa1635e62b7b46c0&

2c. If NLP+BD:
echo -n “blue-diamond” > /data/params/d/DrivingModelText

3. Reset calibration

4. Restart the car


